Welcome to Run the Runway charity event! Join us on Saturday the 02 November 2024 for a unique and exciting opportunity to run on the runway at Glasgow Prestwick Airport. This event is not just about running, it’s about making a difference.
We are proud to support three incredible cancer related charities through this event – The Beatson, Doing it for Daniel Foundation and Ayrshire Hospice. These charities hold a special place in our hearts, as we have sadly lost colleagues to cancer and have current staff members who are bravely battling the disease. Beyond our immediate community, we know that cancer touches the lives of so many people, affecting friends, families, and colleagues across the nation and that’s why we want to help make a difference.
Our teaser social media post was issued in May and we are super excited that so many of you want to support our fundraiser but unfortunately, we will have to restrict the number of runners to around 400 to comply with safety and security requirements of going airside at an operational airport.
The event is now sold out. Join the waitlist!!
Wow, in just under two hours all 400 places sold out! We managed to secure extra volunteers to allow us to increase the capacity to 1,000. All spaces have now been booked. Thank you to everyone who has registered to take part in this unique event. You can join the waitlist and should any places become available you will be notified.
To join the waitlist please follow the link – Glasgow Prestwick Airport – Run the Runway
To set up your fundraising page click the following link – Glasgow Prestwick Airport – Givewheel
There are three distance options that you can take part in:
- Spitfire Sprinter - a 10k run using both runways
- Jetset Jogger - a 5k run using the main runway
- Typhoon Trekker - a 5k walk also on the main runway.
Start Time:
It’s an early start. Check in opens at 06:30am for an 8am start time. We are sorry it is so early but we need to complete the race/event and do full runway checks before the arrival of the first inbound flight at mid-day.
Registration Fee:
There will be registration fee of £25, and administration fee for Eventbrite, which will cover the administration and security checks required for runners to go airside, an event T-shirt, medal and a well-deserved cuppa and breakfast roll after crossing the finishing line.
All runners, including children must have a valid ID, this is either a passport or photo driving licence, and these must be brought with you on the day. These will be checked before you can go airside. Please note, participants will be required to carry their form of ID when taking part in the race we recommend placing your ID in a zipped pocket.
Donations :
As the purpose of the event is to raise as much money as possible for our three charities we are also asking those taking part to pledge to try and fundraise at least £100 per runner. We know the opportunity to run the runway is rare and some keen runners will want to run it but please only register if you are happy to fundraise £100. Numbers are limited and the aim is to raise as much for the charities as possible.
The registration process involves each runner setting up their own GiveWheel fundraising page which will link into the event’s GiveWheel Page. Ideally, we would ask for your fundraising pledges to be in place by mid October. We would love to celebrate all your fundraising achievements with you on the day of the run. Group fundraising pages can be set up.
Age Restriction:
Children aged 8 or over can take part. All children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult (anyone over the age of 18) walker/runner, to a ratio of 1:1. All children under the age of 16 must have a parent/guardian complete the relevant permission section on the registration form.
Date and Time:
Date: 2nd November 2024
Check in - 06:30am - 07:45am
Run the Runway - 08:00am - 11:00am
Terminal events - 08:00am - 14:00pm
Glasgow Prestwick Airport
Aviation House
The event is now sold out. Join the waitlist!!
Wow, in just under two hours all 400 places sold out! We managed to secure extra volunteers to allow us to increase the capacity to 1,000. All spaces have now been booked. Thank you to everyone who has registered to take part in this unique event. You can join the waitlist and should any places become available you will be notified.
To join the waitlist please follow the link - Glasgow Prestwick Airport - Run the Runway
To set up your fundraising page click the following link - Glasgow Prestwick Airport - Givewheel
Getting to the Airport:
Information on how to get to the airport can be viewed at the following links - Vehicles, Train and Bus.
Free parking for participants will be in Car Park Three. The Car Park will open on 02 November at 06:00 and will close at 16:00. Please note parking is at your own risk and there is no overnight parking. Any vehicles not out the car park at the allocated times will be charged normal car parking rates.
Due to security and safety restrictions we are unable to accommodate any spectators on the airfield during the run. Anyone wishing to cheer on participants can view the race from the perimeter fence line along the A78 and at Spotters Mound (Shaw Road).
Spectators will be able to park in Car Park three and we will open an area of land next to spotters mound for parking.
Please respect our neighbours and keep roads clear of vehicles.
Contact Us:
For any enquiries, please contact us via email at communications@glasgowprestwick.com.
Terms and Conditions:
Please review our Terms and Conditions for participation in the event. (Terms and Conditions coming soon)
We are honoured to support the following charities through the Run the Runway event:
The Beatson

Beatson Cancer Charity supports people affected by cancer, every step of the way. The charity makes the journey easier by transforming the way cancer care is funded and delivered. It provides services, as well as funding specialists, research and education to invest in a better future for cancer patients and their families.
The charity provides services and funding that enhance and strengthen NHS care and enable patients and their families to be helped swiftly and compassionately. All this work is made possible by it's supporters.
Find our more here : www.beatsoncancercharity.org
Doing it for Daniel Foundation
The Doing it for Daniel Foundation was set up by Brian and Alison following the death of their son, Daniel, seven months after he was diagnosed with a DIPG brain tumour. The charity provides financial assistance for children and young people with a cancer diagnosis at the Royal Hospital for Children in Glasgow and The Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre by funding special gifts, experiences, days and holidays. It recently opened Daniel's Beach House in Ayr, offering respite accommodation for families.
The charity, which is run by volunteers, also supports brain tumour research, particularly focusing on the childhood brain cancer DIPG.
Find our more here : www.doingitfordaniel.org.uk
Ayrshire Hospice
The Ayrshire Hospice was established to enhance the quality of remaining life for those suffering from any life-limiting illnesses including cancer, neurological conditions, end of stage heart failure and lung disease, as well as to support families and carers facing the loss of a loved one. It has been the sole provider of specialist palliative care across Ayrshire and Arran for over 30 years.
The Hospice recently embarked on an ambitious capital project to create a modern facility which will improve the services offered to patients.
Find out more here: www.ayrshirehospice.org
There are many ways that you can get involved in the Run the Runway event
Registration is NOW OPEN!!
Wow, in just under two hours we have sold out on all 400 places! Thank you to everyone who has registered to take part in this unique event. We are pleased to confirm that we have secured more volunteers to support the event and are now able open more spaces
To register for Run the Runway please click on the following link - Glasgow Prestwick Airport - Run the Runway
To set up your fundraising page click the following link - Glasgow Prestwick Airport - Givewheel
Even if you can't participate in the event, you can still make a difference by donating.
Should you wish to donate to our charities, you can do so here - Glasgow Prestwick Airport GiveWheel
Help us make this event a success by volunteering throughout the day, please get in touch by contacting communications@glasgowprestwick.com. Volunteers may be required to have valid photographic ID - either a passport or driving license.
Interested in becoming a sponsor? Partner with us as a sponsor and gain visibility for your brand while supporting great causes. Learn more about our sponsorship opportunities and how you can support this great cause by visiting our sponsorship brochure here.
Social Media:
Stay updated with the latest news and share your excitement on social media using the hashtag #GPARunTheRunway.
Together we can help make a difference