Filming frequently asked questions
What locations are available to use for filming, photography or other events?
We can consider requests to use premises owned or operated by Glasgow Prestwick Airport Limited. These include, but are not exhaustive of, the landside and airside areas of the airport terminal, warehouses and hangars. Requests may also need to be made to operators of related internal and external services.
Do I need to obtain permission to film, photograph or hold an event at Glasgow Prestwick Airport premises?
Yes, anybody who wishes to use Glasgow Prestwick Airport premises for filming, photography or events must get our permission first.
How do I apply for permission?
All requests must be submitted using the request form. On receipt of the form, someone from our Communications team will contact you to discuss your application.
How much does it cost to use Glasgow Prestwick Airport premises?
A facility fee is charged and is dependent on the requirements of the proposed filming (taking into account operational outlays and any additional staffing costs). These are assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Are there special rates for students?
No. The fee is in place to cover the cost to us of administering requests to use our premises and providing staff to manage these activities on site. It isn’t possible to offer special rates to students.
Is it possible to use Glasgow Prestwick Airport premises free of charge?
Generally no, but we may waive the fee for news items and activities that promote Glasgow Prestwick Airport but this would be at the Airport’s discretion.
How much notice does Glasgow Prestwick Airport require?
You must submit your application at least 28 days before the date that you need to use our premises. Complex applications can take longer to assess so you should submit your request as early as possible. We may consider requests for news items at shorter notice.
Does Glasgow Prestwick Airport place any restrictions on what people can film or photograph?
We will assess your proposal at the first stage of the application process. You must meet and comply with any Data Protection issues involved. We will not allow anything that offends good taste or decency, is likely to encourage or incite crime, lead to disorder or be offensive to public feeling.
In particular:
- Offensive and profane language must be avoided;
- Salacious, violent or indecent themes, or sexual innuendo or stereotyping likely to cause serious or general offence, should be avoided;
- References to minority groups should not be stereotypical, malicious, unkind or hurtful;
- References to religious or political beliefs should not be offensive, deprecating or hurtful, and the use of religious themes and treatments by non-religious groups should be treated with extreme care;
- Those who have physical, sensory, intellectual or mental health disabilities should not be demeaned or ridiculed.
We will not agree to anything which we consider detrimental to Glasgow Prestwick Airport or its reputation.
Will I be stopped if I try to take a spur-of-the-moment picture in the Airport terminal?
No. Provided you are not disturbing other customers, members of staff, loitering in the terminal or disrupting the operation of the Airport. Glasgow Prestwick Airport has no objection to members of the public taking ad hoc pictures using camera phones or cameras.
Is there a limit to the size of film crew or people allowed to use the premises?
The size of crews allowed will be subject to individual assessment to make sure that Health and Safety and Security regulations are not broken. The assessment will be carried out once the request is submitted.
Do I need to provide risk assessments and method statements?
Yes. Before you are allowed onto our premises we must be confident that all possible risks have been considered, and control measures are in place to mitigate them.
Do I need insurance?
Yes. Anyone using Glasgow Prestwick Airport premises should have Employers’ Liability Insurance cover for at least £5million and Public Liability Insurance cover for at least £5million for landside filming and £10million for airside.
Can I use flash or additional lighting?
We will assess each application individually with regard to lighting implications
Can I use a tripod?
Tripods are allowed subject to a case-by-case assessment.
Can I get electrical power from Glasgow Prestwick Airport?
An engineer needs to assess the power required by the equipment and also the existing infrastructure at the location. Subject to the outcome of the assessment power can be supplied. You may be charged extra for using our power.
When is the Terminal available?
We will consider requests for most times as long as they avoid peak periods and has minimum disruption to our operation.
Can I film at night?
Yes but it’s likely that this will cost more because of higher overheads.
What areas can I have access to?
Filming, photography, broadcasting and events can take place in most parts of the airport. Although there may be a longer lead time and higher cost associated with accessing secure areas.
Can I film on an aircraft?
We don’t operate the aircraft so any requests to film should be made directly to the relevant airline operator.
Can company/liveried vehicles be brought to Glasgow Prestwick Airport?
Yes, subject to a case-by-case assessment.
What documentation does Glasgow Prestwick Airport require?
Glasgow Prestwick Airport requires the following information and documents prior to requests being approved:
- Employers Liability Insurance cover to the value of at least £5million;
- Public Liability Insurance cover to the value of at least £5million;
- Health and Safety Risk Assessment(s);
- Method Statements;
- Storyboard/synopsis of the film piece;
- Any other documents that Glasgow Prestwick Airport deems necessary (which may include some Company Information).